CBD oil is an extract from the cannabis plant. The two main active substances in it are cannabidiol or CBD and delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC. The high that is caused by the consumption of cannabis is due to THC. CBD, however, does not cause a “high” or any form of intoxication. CBD oil is made by extracting CBD from the cannabis plant, then diluting it with a carrier oil like coconut or hemp seed oil, says pure CBD oil UK.
Cannabidiol affects the brain, preventing the breakdown of a chemical that aggravates the pain and affects mood and mental function. As a result, it can reduce pain and anxiety. It also reduces psychotic symptoms associated with conditions such as schizophrenia as well as epilepsy.
How is CBD oil used?
CBD is extracted from marijuana plants as either an oil or powder. These can be mixed into creams or gels. They can be put into capsules and taken orally or rubbed on your skin, says pure CBD oil UK. All topicals (cannabis-infused products) should be applied directly to the site of inflammation or pain to work in a specific area.
CBD has quickly become a fast-growing wellness trend all over the world. Although the industry has been booming in the USA, new markets are quickly emerging and proving popular, such as the CBD oil industry in the UK. CBD products like pure CBD oil UK were very popular throughout 2020, and the craze is set to continue in 2021.
CBD oil UK – is it legal in 2021?
The UK recently changed its laws. CBD products are now entirely legal, as long as they contain less than 0.2% THC content and are sold as a health/food supplement. High-quality products will have little to no THC because of the strict processing and extraction methods used.
As of 2021, the FSA has set a new deadline for CBD brands to apply for a novel food license. After that, only brands with a valid novel foods license can continue to sell their CBD products in the UK.
What can CBD oil do for you?
CBD is used for multiple health issues, including promising returns on the long term, severe neurological problems like Alzheimer’s and MS, with very few side effects, says pure CBD oil UK. Here are a few other CBD benefits:
- Chronic pain treatment:
More people are turning to CBD to manage chronic pain. The best CBD oil tinctures, capsules, creams or edibles are an excellent way to help your body recover after a hard workout.
- Relaxation:
Some of the scientifically-backed benefits of CBD are its effects on inflammation and the ability to get a restful night’s sleep.
Put together; this means that CBD taken during or after a workout or training session can aid recovery and help you relax. Loosening you up makes warming down and coping with the aches and pains of a hard session that much simpler.
- Stress Reduction:
The anti-anxiety effect of CBD is perhaps the most well-supported aspect of it, with evidential studies on humans showing that it works and works well.
This has led to a surge in people using CBD before a big event to help them deal with nerves and increase performance.
Wrapping Up
If you look hard enough, you can find any product with CBD in it right now. Topical creams (for skincare), drinks, even obscure stuff like bath bombs. Post Covid-19, the demand for CBD products is set to continue, and it is recommended to try any of the 10 top companies mentioned on the list.